What is a trust how does it work and what is a family trust

What is a trust, how does it work, and what is a family trust?

A Trust is a binding arrangement done legally requiring three essential elements Trust property, a trustee, and beneficiaries. Read this blog content, it is informative.

Trust definition

A trust is a legal vehicle allowing a trust fund to work on behalf of a beneficiary. It expands your options in managing assets as you shield your wealth and wish to pass it to your children. Trusts are designed to maximize legacy for generations and help protect wealth.
Trusts are invaluable structures to safeguard your assets. They protect your wealth and provide long-term support for future generations.

What is  Will vs. Trust?

There is a difference between Trusts and Will. There are tax benefits to trusts as per the situation. You can give your assets tax-free to grandchildren. Your heirs can privately settle a trust. On the other hand, a Will is a public record settled through a court process known as probate.

What are the types of trusts?

Trusts are in various categories depending on their structure, beneficiary types, and lasting period. However, the trusts are into two categories- revocable and irrevocable.

  • Revocable Trust – It is created in the lifetime by the grantor. It is used to avoid probate, the court costs after the grantor’s death. It does not have tax-saving benefits or creditor protection. It allows the grantor to change the trust at any time, offering free access to assets, and the grantor can terminate the trust.
  • Irrevocable Trust– It is created to benefit others by the grantor. It is used to receive assets after the death of the grantor. They are lifetime gifts for beneficiaries. Asset protection and tax planning are the two reasons allowing trusts to stay in place. Trust cannot change in any way.

How does trust work?

Trust is a way of creating a legacy extending beyond a lifetime. Trusts create wealth for generations. Trusts are useful tools, but it is best to avoid rushing into creating trust. Take advice from expert professionals and ensure careful consideration.

Who is a trust attorney?

A trust attorney is a professional helping in creating the essential paperwork to create a trust. Trust is a trouble-free process. It does not ask you to bear the court costs after the grantor passes away. Trusts are useful documents, and a trust attorney explains the types of trusts that including revocable and irrevocable. There are a few more such as charitable remainder trusts, credit shelter trusts, generation-skipping trusts, and a few more.

How to start a trust fund?

A trust fund is an invaluable tool providing complete control over the distribution of assets. There are associated costs while creating a Trust fund, and it provides peace of mind, besides tax benefits.

The trust fund contents include investments, cash, jewelry, cars, real estate, or just anything else. Trust funds have stipulations such as attaining a certain age, though the grantor can arrange the trust as they wish.

To start a trust fund, you need to adhere to these steps:

  • Choose a name for your Trust
  • Determine for the intended Trust, the settler, and Trustees
  • Create a Trust Deed
  • Bylaws of the Trust

What is a family trust?

A family trust involves three parties, a trustee, a grantor, and the beneficiary or beneficiaries. The person making the trust is the grantor, and the trustee is the person managing the trust the assets on behalf of the beneficiaries.

The beneficiaries receive financial benefits from the trust. It is the same as a life insurance policy. A family trust lists the beneficiaries as your family members. It means, it includes children, siblings, grandchildren, cousins, uncles and aunts, and other family members to be beneficiaries. The family trusts may also include the spouses.

Family trusts are a living trust type that may be revocable or irrevocable as per one’s wishes. A living trust has its effect on your lifetime. A revocable trust may be terminated or altered at any time. On the other hand, an irrevocable trust is permanent. A revocable family trust acts as your trustee, where successor trustees take over the reins if you pass away or become incapacitated. An irrevocable trust requires you to name someone else so that they work as the trustee.


A trust is a wonderful tool for asset protection and tax planning but may be confusing and complex. It is because there are various types of tax and asset protection. It may result in consequences for your beneficiaries and your now or later into the future.

Therefore getting a proper understanding of what is a trust, what is a family trust, what is the work of the trust, and how does a trust attorney help or guide you through asset protection planning and the tax thickets? This blog content is a complete guide to start your further understanding. However, for more clarification of doubts, you may contact a professional expert.

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